Creating a Birthday Card featuring Bailey the Dog…

It wasn’t Bailey’s birthday… but read on to find out about the creative process for this card…

Down the road and around the bends, behind all of the huge tree tops… you will find my friend Judy’s house.

At Judy’s house is where I met Bailey!

Judy has been my great friend for a few years now, however until this point Bailey had only lived on the internet.

I follow Judy on social media and have been able to see all of Bailey’s adventures online, and many adventures there are…

A few days ago, it was sunny and beautiful here - great day for a short drive, so I decided I was going to pop in on my good friend Judy.

We don’t see each other much over the winter and both of us are making some adjustments in life and learning to live without people who have recently passed. In those times winter can be especially gloomy and a bit isolating. So it was time to get out and catch up on what each of us had been up to. Time to come out of hibernation, so to speak.

Window down, warm sunshine flowing into the car in the form of a beautiful breeze, some tunes on the radio and down the winding road I go.

And there’s Judy’s driveway - Great! I didn’t miss it this time!

Who has come to greet me upon my arrival? Why none other than Miss Bailey and her loud aggressive manner of informing Judy that company has arrived! She is just so sweet, protector that she is, she is going to make sure that Judy is safe and sound.

Upon entering the house - Bailey must be sure that I meet the smell test…I feel I did, since she offered to sit down beside me while we had coffee, and if my hand just happened to graze her furry little head for an occasional pet, well that was ok with her to.

Bailey listened intently as Judy and I discussed the happenings and moments of chaos that create our daily lives. Occasionally she had some input to share.

Bailey rustled around the house with a few playmates that she has - maybe we’ll make a card featuring Bailey’s friends one day soon. She gazed out the sliding door and gave a few non compliment barks at a stick in the yard. I’m sure she felt this stick really needed her attention.

I wondered what her plan was for the stick if and when she would get outside to attend to it?

And hence the card… Bailey playing in the yard with her new stick friend sharing an adventure on a beautiful Spring afternoon…

This card was created using a digital image for Bailey the dog, as well as a digital background. Both files were purchased from Sweet November stamps digital files. Sweet November Stamps has an amazing collection of both physical stamps and digital stamps all of which have the potential to create beautiful cards, not to mention the best sequins and embellishments for all of those final touches on your card!

I simply printed the images for this card after laying out the design I created using Adobe Express to arrange both digital images how I wanted them to appear on the card front. Adobe Express is fantastic tool when it comes to creating a layout for your digital images.

After printing, I colored the images and the background with just a few imperfections, but all in all it still looked good enough to go on a card front. I trimmed the image down and and backed with a piece of red checked paper from my stash, which worked perfect since I wanted small red colored bits to stand out on my card to take away from the oodles of green on the image.

Would I color it a different way next time… probably?!

However that is part of creation!!

Grab a digital image and give it a try!

Let me know what you think of Bailey on this card front in the comments below!

* Remember comments keep the page running…or is it floating?!

Til next time… Happy Crafting!!


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