Love Birds Card Tutorial & Coffee Challenges

This lovely card featured these adorable digital image Love Birds from Sweet November stamps for $2.78. That’s less than the price of a coffee. Urrrggg… coffee!

For all of you who know me you know that I am coffee dependent. I just don’t function without it. I mean I totally think that water was only invented for the purpose of making coffee.

On this lovely Friday morning, the coffee maker decided to well… not work. So I’m working today completely coffee challenged.

Enough about coffee and back to the card - While I was setting up the digital image in Adobe Express, I also customized a greeting that would print with the image. I printed and colored a few of this image. I tried them all with different patterned papers and different colors for the birds to coordinate with the papers. Even a different shape other than the oval.

If you have been to the purchasing page at Sweet November Stamps you can see that I cased the design image used to promote the digital image, however I wanted to make some changes to make it my own. Hence came the die cut edges on the designer paper and a few other details.

After consulting with my daughter and my daughter in law - they are both a large part of my design decisions. You know, when I’m second guessing myself, I can count on their opinions to get me back on track and I so greatly appreciate their support with my business. End result: we all agreed that the blue birds on the snowflake paper was the perfect design.

I added a splatter of ink to the card front as well as some details on the birds and leaves and a lot of magic - aka Cosmic Shimmer!

The tutorial also featured a card design using the same layout with a Stampin’ Up stamp set. I know that many of my followers are die hard Stampin’ Up peoples’ and I like to create something using that product so I can share ideas with all of you no matter where you purchase your crafting products.

This free PDF tutorial went out in today’s newsletter where you can see the full color image as well as print out the measurements and instructions for either design, and all of the details for the digital image. So if you haven’t signed up for that yet - fill out your email in the pop up box when you enter the site or at the bottom of any of the pages.

I hope you’re having an amazing day filled with lots of coffee and crafting…


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